5 Strategies to lower the ACOS in Amazon PPC Advertising?
INTRODUCTION: My Amazon Bee presents this blog. My Amazon Bee (www.myamazonbee.com) is an Amazon agency that has worked for almost 10 years in Amazon PPC Management, Inventory Management, Listing Creation and optimization, Product Hunting, and Keyword Research. We have a team of experienced people in the field. Our goal is to make the accounts of our clients successful and profitable by implementing our different strategies. Amazon PPC Advertising: Amazon's internal advertising system includes pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Brands, agencies, and independent sellers can use Amazon PPC to target particular keywords when creating product adverts that show up in both Amazon's search results and those of rival retailers. ACOS: The Advertising Cost of Sales, or ACOS, measures how much you spend on advertising for every dollar in revenue. The ratio of advertising expenditure to target sales can also be included when calculating ACOS. Follow this formula to determine your...